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CRISPRs: The CRISPR database

From the website This site acts as a gateway to publicly accessible CRISPRs database and software. It enables the easy detection of CRISPRs...

mardi 12 avril 2011

ISsaga: Semi-Automatic IS Annotation

Here is a nice and new web-based add-on of the IS-biotoul database

From the abstract (PMID: 21443786)

Insertion sequences play a key role in prokaryotic genome evolution but are seldom well annotated. We describe a web application pipeline, ISsaga (http://issaga.biotoul.fr/ISsaga/issaga_index.php), which provides computational tools and methods for high-quality IS annotation. It uses established ISfinder annotation standards and permits rapid processing of single or multiple prokaryote genomes. ISsaga provides general prediction and annotation tools, information on genome context of individual ISs and a graphical overview of IS distribution around the genome of interest.

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