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CRISPRs: The CRISPR database

From the website This site acts as a gateway to publicly accessible CRISPRs database and software. It enables the easy detection of CRISPRs...

vendredi 7 janvier 2011

IS finder: the IS and transposon database

This database provides a list of insertion sequences isolated from eubacteria and archae. It is organised into individual files containing their general features (name, size, origin, family.....) as well as their DNA and potential protein sequences. Although most of the entries have been identified as individual elements, a growing number are included from their description in sequenced bacterial genomes.

The search engine permits the retrieval and display of individual and groups of ISs based on a combination of their general features.

Two levels of search are available. The simple search option enables the user to sort elements using a limited number of basic items whereas the extensive search offers an additional set of possibilities such as comparisons of the sequences of terminal inverted repeats and a variety of different layout displays. Built in links are provided to: the EMBL sequence database, the NCBI taxonomy database and to the ESF plasmid database.

At present, only individual sequences can be downloaded one by one for comparison. An on-line BLAST facility is available and in future versions direct access to additional analytical tools will be provided on line.

Direct submission of ISs is encouraged using the on-line form provided.


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